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When Kelly popped her head out of her transport kennel, her adorable face instantly garnered a chorus of “ooohs” and “ahhs”, but this tiny four pound puppy had a big problem.

Puppy in Crate

It was immediately clear that Kelly’s eyesight wasn’t what it should be. As we began to assess her, she caught a whiff of some delicious Purina food and ate until her tiny belly couldn’t hold any more.

Our Shelter Medicine Team examined tiny Kelly to determine the extent of her visual deficiencies. After some tests, we learned that Kelly has significant congenital blindness. While she may be able to see some large shapes and shadows, her vision is very limited.

Puppy Medical Exam

Kelly will require a special adopter that will allow her the time she needs to explore and build confidence in a new environment. Luckily, Kelly’s eyes aren’t swollen or infected, but our Shelter Medicine Team will continue to monitor her for any changes and additional treatments she may need.

Puppy In Kennel

We found Kelly the perfect foster home where she can grow big and strong and adjust to life without sight. Her foster family reports that she is adjusting well and loves to romp and play just like a puppy should. We’re happy that we could be there for Kelly and ensure that she is placed in the perfect forever home that will provide for all of her special needs.

Your donation right now will help us rescue more animals in need- just like Kelly.